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The Congressional Black Caucus Expresses Concern over Racial and Sexist Attacks Against Lucy McBath

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Washington, March 2, 2020 | comments

The Congressional Black Caucus is deeply concerned by the personal and racial attacks against Representative Lucy McBath (GA-06). 

Congresswoman McBath’s dedication to serving her constituents is unquestionable. During her first year in Congress, she championed transformative legislation such as the Haven Act, which was signed into law in 2019. The Haven Act protects the disability benefits on which our veterans and their families depend. But now, instead of celebrating her leadership, Congresswoman McBath has become a victim of racial attacks for simply being a Black woman in Congress.

The most recent attack included receiving a “For Sale” sign at her office. This harkens back to the awful, painful history in our country when Black people were actually for sale as chattel in the insidious institution of slavery. Additional attacks have even gone as far as to invoke her deceased son, an innocent 17-year old child who was a victim of senseless gun violence, by perpetuating racially-motivated disinformation surrounding the circumstances of his tragic death.

The Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate these racist, inflammatory attacks against a Member of our Caucus.

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