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The Congressional Black Caucus Released the Following Statement on the Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black America

Don’t be fooled. 

In 39 days, you won’t hear another word about a Platinum Plan from Donald Trump. If he was serious about economic empowerment in Black communities, he would have listened to the Congressional Black Caucus when we met with him in 2017 to tell him our priorities. Instead, he never even read our 140-page proposal and went on to embolden white supremacists and give tax cuts to himself and his billionaire friends. 

And while Black people are being disproportionately hit by COVID-19, Trump is trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and take away healthcare when people need it most. 

Maya Angelou said it best: When people tell you who they are, believe them. Trump has shown us who he is, from his campaign to lock up innocent black boys when he took out a full page ad against the Central Park 5, to his comments about shit hole African countries, to just a few days ago, his executive order taking down racial sensitivity training at all agencies.

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