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CBC Chairman on Kelly: “He is starting to sound a lot like his boss.”

Today, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA-02), released the following statement in response to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s lack of knowledge about the Civil War and refusal to apologize to Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL-24). 
“White House Chief of Staff John Kelly needs a history lesson. The Civil War was not a disagreement between ‘men and women of good faith on both sides.’  It was a struggle for the soul of this country. Thankfully, the right side won the war and slavery is no longer the law of the land. 
“The Congressional Black Caucus is not surprised by the Trump White House’s repeated attempts to whitewash history or by its continued inability to apologize when it is flat out wrong. We continue to call on General Kelly to apologize for his lies about Congresswoman Wilson. He is starting to sound a lot like his boss.”
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