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Statement from CBC Chairman on Russian-Purchased Facebook Ads Targeting Black Lives Matter

Today, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA-02), released the following statement on recent reports that Russia purchased Facebook ads that targeted Black Lives Matter.

“Historically, those in the struggle for civil rights have not only been forced to confront institutions of racism in our society, they have also been forced to confront attacks and espionage activity from individual actors and organizations in and outside of government.

“It is my hope that our tech community takes this matter seriously, is forthright with the Special Counsel and Congress, and does everything it can to make sure it is not manipulated like this again.

“We can’t conclusively say these actions impacted the outcome of the election. But we can say that these ads caused harm and additional resentment to young people who unselfishly fight for justice and equality for African Americans and other marginalized communities."
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