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Addressing the Plight of Black America

How the Congressional Black Caucus fights on the frontlines every day

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Karen Bass, Washington Times, August 29, 2019 | comments

In Deborah Simmons’ recent column “CBC is not black America’s BFF,” the author oddly blames the plight of black America on labor unions and the Democratic Party. 

Predictably rather than thoughtful analysis and an honest accounting of why black America must fight — especially in the Trump-era — the author relies on baseless rhetoric conservatives have used for generations to suggest the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) does not fight for our communities. Yet the author offers no solutions or accomplishments of note to address any of the problems facing black America. 

This is an old and tired strategy of blame the African-Americans and Democrats instead of attacking the systemic racism and under-investments that allow chronic poverty to exist in the richest nation on earth. 

We saw it recently when Donald Trump attacked Baltimore, a majority African-American city with black leadership. Hypocritically President Trump referred to Baltimore as rat- and rodent-infested just months after his administration tried to end a successful rat-elimination program in the city.  

Had the author done more research, she would have quickly found the Black Caucus not only fights for black America, but most importantly we win real victories every day.  

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