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Statement from CBC Chairman on Trump, Kelly Attacks on Rep. Wilson

Today, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA-02), released the following statement in response to attacks on Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL-24) by President Trump and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly:

“Tomorrow, Sgt. La David T. Johnson will be laid to rest after making the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country. We should all honor his memory. 

"Congresswoman Wilson has been a champion for the people of South Florida for decades now. She knows her constituents well and treats them like family. In fact, Sgt. Johnson graduated from 5000 Role Models of Excellence, a project that Congresswoman Wilson founded in the early 1990s. So it is not surprising that Congresswoman Wilson was there when Mrs. Johnson received the call from President Trump, and it’s not surprising that Congresswoman Wilson understood the pain his words caused Mrs. Johnson. 

"It is unfortunate that the President of the United States lacks the capacity to comfort a grieving widow. It is also unfortunate that he and his Chief of Staff saw fit to attack a sitting Member of Congress. 

"The Congressional Black Caucus stands with Congresswoman Wilson and we call on the Administration to end these petty insults and answer real questions, like how did Sgt. Johnson die, why was he attacked, and was there more that could have been done to save him and the three other service members who lost their lives that day."

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