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Congressional Black Caucus Statement on Rep. Byron Donalds

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Washington, June 5, 2024 | comments
Today, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Steven Horsford (NV-04) and members of the Congressional Black Caucus issued the following statement regarding recent comments from Rep. Byron Donalds:

 “Black people were not better off during the Jim Crow Era — a fact that Rep. Byron Donalds knows all too well. This is a pattern of embracing racist ideologies that we see time and again within the MAGA Republican Party. Rep. Donalds is playing his role as the mouthpiece who will say the quiet parts out loud that many will not say themselves. His comments were shameful and beneath the dignity of a member of the House of Representatives. He should immediately offer an apology to Black Americans for misrepresenting one of the darkest chapters in our history for his own political gain.”
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