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Congressional Black Caucus Issues Statement on GOP Demand to Cut Safety Net Programs to Raise Debt Limit

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Washington, May 17, 2023 | Freedom Alexander Murphy | comments

Today, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Steven Horsford (NV-04) and members of the Congressional Black Caucus issued the following statement regarding the GOP’s demand to cut to safety net programs to raise the debt limit.  

“The Congressional Black Caucus has no intention of allowing families to go hungry to appease Republicans, and we will stand by President Biden and fight against Speaker McCarthy’s red line.  McCarthy and extreme MAGA Republicans are threatening to drive our country into defaulting on our national debt for not meeting their ransom on cutting safety net programs. Furthermore, they are hell-bent on causing ruin to Americans’ financial security just because they can’t get their way. Republicans’ proposal to cut Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and change eligibility criteria is cruel and ill-advised.  Unsurprisingly, they believe that the people who should pay for their massive tax cuts over the years are women, children, the sick and the disabled.  It’s a recipe for expanding racial and gender disparities, which seems to be their modus operandi. Speaker McCarthy’s default on America will have catastrophic economic impacts on mortgage rates and jobs and will harm the strong economic recovery that has dropped Black unemployment to the lowest rate in recent history.”

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