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Congressional Black Caucus Issues Statement on the Death of Irvo Otieno

Today, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Steven Horsford (NV-04) and members of the Congressional Black Caucus issued the following statement regarding newly released surveillance footage of the death of Irvo Otieno.

“The Congressional Black Caucus offers our prayers and deepest condolences to the family of Irvo Otieno. The shockingly inhumane treatment and murder of Irvo Otieno at the hands of Henrico County police and Central State Hospital staff is unconscionable. For nearly 11 minutes, we witnessed the very institutions that were supposed to protect and care for him in his time of need, fail him. The decision by the Dinwiddie County prosecutor to charge the seven sheriff’s deputies and three hospital employees with second degree murder, as well as their subsequent indictment by the grand jury, is the first step towards justice for the family of Irvo Otieno, but we need systemic reforms to bring a stop to these incidents of gross misconduct. The use of force and disregard for human life seen on surveillance footage has no place in our police agencies or mental health facilities, and the Congressional Black Caucus will continue to focus our efforts on passing federal legislation to improve community safety and adequately address the systemic issues arising from law enforcement engagements in our communities.”

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