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Congressional Black Caucus and the Internet Association Discuss Guiding Principles For Privacy and Data

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, CBC TECH 2020 joined by the Internet Association, presented a discussion on privacy, technology, and how the two affect our individual rights, data collection and workforce development. The discussion covered key guiding principles for consideration as Congress addresses privacy and data—how data is collected, used, maintained, and how core civil rights protections should not be sacrificed within platforms but should be maintained. 

A key component of the conversation was how algorithms impact diversity and how companies should be pro rectify deficiencies in their algorithms.  Panelists discussed the need to be user-centric as legislation comes forward to ensure adequate safeguards and accountability measures are in place.  The panelists also discussed the importance of workforce readiness and global competitiveness for tech roles.  Co-Chairs of the CBC Diversity Task Force, Reps. Butterfield, Lee and panelist released the following statement:

Congressman G.K. Butterfield, Co-Chair, CBC Diversity Task Force:

“CBC TECH 2020 was set forth to ensure an inclusive tech economy and we continue our work at this critical time.  There are so many pressing issues at hand in our nation.  Not only must we ensure we are working to expand board and c-suite diversity but adequate regulatory safeguards must be in place as it pertains to data, individual rights and privacy.”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Co-Chair, CBC Diversity Task Force:

“Protecting privacy and our civil rights in the 21st century context is of the utmost importance. CBC TECH 2020 will continue to keep privacy and other critical issues at the forefront as we pursue the work of a more inclusive and diverse technology sector at all levels.”

John Yang – Asian Americans Advancing Justice, AAJC,  President and Executive Director

“Access to technology was once a benefit, but has now become a necessity for communities of color. As Asian Americans, and other underserved populaces, become early adopters of digital tools, understanding the civil rights issues they face is critical. CBC TECH 2020 allowed for an important conversation on this topic with representatives from a variety of perspectives. We look forward to continued conversations as Congress and other lawmaking bodies enact rules and legislation that will impact constituencies of color.”

Chris Calabrese – Vice-President, Policy, Center for Democracy & Technology

"It's critical that we protect our digital civil rights in the 21st century. We must set meaningful limits on how our personal information is collected and used, protect against unfair discrimination and ensure strong enforcement of the law. I applaud the CBC for continuing this important conversation."

Gavin Logan  – Director, Tech and Telecom Policy, The National Urban League Washington Bureau

"The panel discussion was excellent in that the panelist discussed a wide range of issues that are important to insuring that technology and privacy work for everyone. Most notably, the panelist were clear in their assessment that, unless we are intentional in our efforts to import issues surrounding diversity and inclusion into these discussions, policies that are innocent at face value can have many unintended consequences. CBC Tech 2020 is the very conduit needed to ensure that, not only are these types conversations continuing, but they are productive and solution driven so that we can have sound and inclusive policies that govern our internet and other developing technologies."

Elizabeth Banker – Associate General Counsel | The Internet Association

“Internet Association was honored to partner with CBC Tech 2020 to advance the conversation around data privacy. The discussions reinforced the need for comprehensive, economy-wide federal privacy legislation that provides consumers with meaningful transparency and control of how their data is used, shared, and protected. The internet industry looks forward to continuing to work with the CBC Tech 2020 on this important issue.”


In May 2015, the Congressional Black Caucus launched CBC TECH 2020 to bring together the best minds in the tech, non-profit, education and public sectors to chart a path forward to increase African American inclusion at all levels of the technology industry.  The lack of African American representation in tech means that many of our best and brightest – the problem solvers, critical thinkers, and those that challenge conventional thinking – are not included, and America’s global competitiveness suffers as a result.  From pushing on back on user exploitation on social media platforms, board diversity and c-suite diversity, calling for accountability in advertising principles and practices, members of the Congressional Black Caucus have been leading the effort to ensure key principles for an inclusive tech economy are set forward.

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